
Post-Quantum  Blockchain

PQC is a blockchain network that supports resistance against quantum attacks, and utilizes multi-computational power, and is fully decentralized.


The EC-DSA signature or its variants like EC-Schnorr will not secure any longer in the post-quantum era.
BTC is approaching its fourth halving of mint. The miners of cryptocurrencies face significant shrinking of minting.
Few cryptocurrencies, if not at all, are truly decentralized.


PQC utilizes a multi-parent chain auxiliary proof-of-work (PoW) consensus algorithm. This mechanism supports the computational power of blockchain networks using double-SHA256 (such as BTC and its chidrens like BCH、BSV and XEC) and Scrypt (such as LTC, DOGE). That is, the PQC network does not need to run its own mining pools, instead any miner of BTC/BCH/BSV/XEC or LTC/DOGE can get the rewards of PQC for free! This is very friendly to most of PoW miners, with the income cutting down by the mint shrinking. By obtaining more computational power, the security of the PQC network will also be greatly enhanced. To address the disparity in computing power, a completely new difficulty adjustment method is employed, which effectively improves the ability to adjust difficulty in the face of significant fluctuations in computing power while also ensuring fair reward distribution.

Finally, PQC is fully decentralized. It has no owners, every PQCoin has to be obtained via PoW mining.

  1. Post-Quantum Signature Algorithm

    For quantum computers, Schnorr signatures based on discrete logarithm problems can be easily forged. Continuing to use Schnorr signatures in the post-quantum era is completely insecure for accounts and transactions. Therefore, in response to this situation, the cryptography community has started researching post-quantum cryptography, aiming to construct cryptographic algorithms that can resist quantum attacks.PQC uses the proposed post-quantum digital signature scheme constructed based on prime-order fields and the CRYSTALS-Dilithium digital signature algorithm, referred to as Dilithium-Prime.

  2. Multi-Parent Chain Auxiliary Proof-of-Work Consensus Algorithm

    PQC utilizes a multi-parent chain auxiliary proof-of-work (PoW) consensus algorithm that supports the computational power of blockchain networks using double-SHA256 (such as BTC) and Scrypt (such as LTC) PoW hash algorithms.The AuXPoW consensus algorithm significantly enhances the security of blockchains that lack sufficient computational power while increasing the utilization of computational resources and reducing energy consumption and computational costs.

  3. Difficulty Adjustment Algorithm for Multi-Parent Chains

    The block production ratio between chains with high computational power and chains with lower computational power is maintained at approximately 10:1. This approach serves to protect low-computational-power parent chains, allowing miners on these chains to maintain a reasonable probability of block production and incentivizing their participation in consensus. Furthermore, it prevents the subchain system from becoming overly reliant on parent chains with high computational power as the sole source of mining power. Each type of parent chain has its own block difficulty.

PQC Timeline

Publish whitepaper and official website

Open the mainnet


Optimize post-quantum signature efficiency

Supports the inscription

Layer 2

Supports layer 2

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